Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Q: Where do you live?
  • A: Beaufort, NC, US.
  • Q: How old are you?
  • A: I am 28 years old.
  • Q: Are you from Eastern North Carolina?
  • A: No, I actually grew up in a beautiful place in Southwest Florida called Punta Gorda. My father took a new job when I was 13 and we relocated to our family farm in Leesburg, Fl where I finished school before moving away for college.
  • Q: How did you end up in North Carolina?
  • A: My husband is in the military and is currently stationed at Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point. I moved to NC after 2 years of dating long distance while he was training around the country.
  • Q: Are you married?
  • A: Yes, we were recently married on November 10th, 2017!
  • Q: What are your plans this year?
  • A: Travel, get a new puppy, be as successful as possible.
  • Q: What do you do?
  • A: I am the Online Sales Counselor and Marketing Manager for a Local Home Builder in Eastern NC. I help run our Sales Models, Hold Color Selections Appointments with Clients, Maintain all of our Online Listing Resources, and Manage our Marketing and Advertising Resources. A jack of all trades if you will!
End of Deployment #1


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